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[Tuňuquq] Тұнық-ұқ
Tuñuquq > Tonuquq (646 - 732). Old Turkic: Bilge: Tuňuquq. In Chinese sources: Ton-jo-gu, Tun’jugu. Serving to the Turkic El and Elteris, Qapagan, Bilge kagans, he was very wise and outstanding person. Tonuquq was born in 646 (?) along the river Tuyl (Old Turkic: Tuγula//Toγula). He was father-in-law of Bilge kagan. Chinese sources says that Tonuquq had given his daughter “Pofu or Sofu” as wife to Bilge kagan. In Old Turkic it can mean “Bubu or Sebu//Sebek”. Tonuquq died at the age of 85-86 in 731-732. The wise Tonuquq participated to military actions and was distinguished by his mind in days of Qapagan (692-716, in Chinese sources Mochjo The name of “Bilge : Tuňuquq” was read by W.Radloff reads “Tonjukuk”, S.E.Malov, P.Aalto, J. Clauson, A.N.Kononov, V.Nasilov read “Tuηuquq”. W.Tomsen, H.N.Orhun, I.V.Kormushin - Toyuquq, K.Sartkozha “Tuj-uquq, i.e. “Tujgyn” (northern goshawk) + “oi” (thought, mind).
The Tunuquq memorial complex and stele A sculpture of Tunuquq
R.Zhiro “Tony Yuquq” (fatty fur coat), V.M.Nadeljaev “Tujuq-oq” (a hoof), Ali Eleve “Tonjuquq” (the first vizier), T.Tekin “Tunyuquq” (the first vizier), Klyashtornyi according to Chinise sources “a title yuan-chzhen” equivalent in Turkic “Tonjuquq” (the first successor). L.N.Gumilev expresses doubt on F.Hirt's to opinion, that the Ashide-yuan-chzhen and “Tunuquq”are the same person and declares, that they were two different persons, but both were brought up in China.
The Tunuquq inscription
A.S.Amanzholov relying on sound conformity «-nj//-nch» assumes, that name Tonuquq means “tunuq-tunjuq-tunčuq+uq” (gloomy). See: Наделяев В.М. Чтение Орхоно-Енисейского знака «…» и этимология имени Тоньюкука. // Тюркологический исследования . М., Л., 1963. С. 197-213; Кляшторный С.Г. Тоньюкук Ашидэ Юаньчжень //Тюркологический сборник . М., 1966. С. 202-205.; Аманжолов А.С. Графика таласских енисейских и орхонских надписей. // Қазақ тiлi мен әдебиетi. КазГУ. 3, Алматы, 1973.; Аманжолов А.С. История и теория дренвнетюркского письма. Алматы, «Мектеп» . 2003. С. 56-57.
Old Turkic: Tuňuq-Uq / Tuňïq-Oq. The phoneme “ñ” is “palatal concordant”. Thus the word Tunuquq: “tunuq” (transparent, deep or faultless, pure, excellent) + “uq//oq” (understanding, thought, wisdom) forms “the owner of very deep pure mind” - the name which was given the owner of such mind, our wise ancestor by ancient custom.
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Тұнық-ұқ ғұрыптық кешені және бiтiктасы

Bilge Tuňuquq177 : ben özüm: Tabγač eliŋe: qïlïntïm: 178Türük budun: Tabγačqa: ükü erür erti179 :

I myself, wise Tonyukuk, lived in Tabgach (Chinese) country. (As the whole) Turkic people was under Tabgach (China) subjection.
Күлі-чұр ғұрыптық кешені және бітіктасы

...üčün (apa) tarqan Čїqan Toňuquq: atïγ: bermiš:

…and then he was given the name – (Apa) tarkhan Chykan Tonyukuk.
See also Old Turk and Kazak dictionary.
The basic idea of creating the electronic historical and cultural fund was based on issue of The Oriental Studies Section of The Institute of Oriental Studies named after Suleimenov in 2005 under the govermental program "Cultural Heritage": "Қазақстан тарихы туралы түркі деректемелері" сериясының 2-томы Н.Базылхан "Көне түрік бітіктастары мен ескерткіштері (Орхон, Енисей, Талас)" Алматы: Дайк-Пресс. 2005, 252 б. +144 бет жапсырма.
Chief Editors:
doctor of history sciences Prof. M.Abuseitova
doctor of philology sciences Prof. B.Bukhatuly.
We appreciate The Director of The Institute of Oriental Studies Meruert Abuseitova for her help.

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