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  Ethno Cultural Dictionary
[tutuq] тұтұқ
Tutuq. “A head, a commander, an owner”. Old Turkic “tut-, tud-” (to hold) + uq//oq (family, seeds) > Tutuq "Chief of family". “Uq//oq” is Old Turkic word that means “family, kin, clan”, “oγuš” is family, tribe.
Tutuq is- thesmallest military rank, a commaner over 10 soldiers. There are names mentioned in inscriptions: Čigil Tutuq
Qošu Tutuq
Tay Вilge Tutuq
El Tuγun Tutuq
Küni Tіrіg Külüg Tutuq
Kül Čeküŋ Tutuq
Alïp Tutuq
Ögüne Tutuq
Töleš alïp Tutuq
Töleš bilge Tutuq beg
Tabγač On Tutuq
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This word is found in following inscriptions
Бiлге қаған ғұрыптық кешені және бітіктасы

Türüküme: budunuma: jegin: anča qazγanu: bertim: bunča: qazγanup: aqaŋïm qaγan: it jïl: onunč ay: altï otuzqa: uča: bardï: laγzïn: jïl: birinči ay: jeti: otuzqa: yoγ: ertürtim: Buquγ Tutuq:...

I gathered my Turks, my nation and established the power. After establishing the power, my father, the kagan, died ( litr. flied away) on the twenty sixth day of the tenth month of the Dog year. On the seventeenth day of the first month of the Boar year we mourned over Bukug Tutuk…
Уюк-Тарлақ (е-1) бұғытасы және мәтіні

Аtïm: El Tuγun: Tutuq: ben: Teŋiri: Elim: ke: еlčisi: ertim: altï: baγ: budun:qa: (beg: ertim:)

My name is El-Tuγun Tutuq. I was the ambassador of my Tengri country. I was lord of six destiny people:
Означенное (е-25) бітіктасы

Kül Čeküŋ: Tutuq: esizime: adïrïldïm:

[I am] well-known Čeküŋ Tutuq. I have lost my ownerless relatives.
Теле (е-46) бітіктасы

Ögüne:Tutuq:er erdemi:üčin:elime: tapаdïm:

(I am)Ögüne Tutuq. In valor of my bravery I ruled my country.
Абақан (е-48) бітіктасы

Erdemlig: elinte: bökmedi Töleš alïp: Tutuq: іšiŋe: bökmedi: jeg: Terkin: esiz: yïta čïγa

He couldn't stay in valor country. Töleš the great Tutuq couldn't stay for his deed. Kind Terkin become ownerless poor and orphan.
Ел Етмiш Бiлге қаған (Мойын-чұр) ғұрыптық кешенi және бітіктастары

Tay Вilge: Tutuq: yablaqïn: üčün: bir eki atlïq: üčün: qara: budunïm: öltiŋ: jetdeŋ: yaŋa ičik ölmeči: jetmeči: sen tedim: jiče: isig: küčüg: bergil: tedim: eki ay kütdim: kelmedi: sekizinč ay: bir yaŋïqa: sü yorïyïn: tedim: tuγ: tašqïr: erikli:

Because of mean Tai-Bilge tutuq, because of some nothingness, oh, my common people. You died! I asked you kindly to serve me. I was waiting for two months. (You) did not come. I decided to go on campaign on the first of the eighth month. A flag carrier
Барық II (е-6) бітіктасы

Külüg: Tutuq: ečim: kiši qïldï

My grandfather Külüg Tutuq made me a man.
Чаа-Қол IV (e-16) бітіктасы

Alïp uruŋu: Tutuq: ben: quyda: qunčuyïm: eki oγlanïma: esizime: yanuš: qïzïma

I am Great Uruŋu Tutuq. I left my wife, two sons and only daughter.
See also Old Turk and Kazak dictionary.
The basic idea of creating the electronic historical and cultural fund was based on issue of The Oriental Studies Section of The Institute of Oriental Studies named after Suleimenov in 2005 under the govermental program "Cultural Heritage": "Қазақстан тарихы туралы түркі деректемелері" сериясының 2-томы Н.Базылхан "Көне түрік бітіктастары мен ескерткіштері (Орхон, Енисей, Талас)" Алматы: Дайк-Пресс. 2005, 252 б. +144 бет жапсырма.
Chief Editors:
doctor of history sciences Prof. M.Abuseitova
doctor of philology sciences Prof. B.Bukhatuly.
We appreciate The Director of The Institute of Oriental Studies Meruert Abuseitova for her help.

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