“Tatpar qaγan” - Tatpar kagan (?-582). The Kagan’s title: Tatpar kagan, Tenri-born Maga Tatpar kagan. Own name: ? Birth year: ? Board time: 572-582. Father’s name: Qara kagan. Younger brother of Mukan kagan. The name does not occure in Turkic written texts. In days of Tatpar kagan’s board the Turkic El became powerful empire on The Silk Way, which had subdued Manchuria, Eftalits, and established political and diplomatic relations with Byzantium, Sasanids, China, received tributes from these countries. Old Sogdian: m γ ' t'tp'r х ' γ ' n - Maga Tatpar kehan [Yoshida, 1999. 122-124]. The memorial complex of Tatpar kagan is located on 10 km to west of Bugut (Ih Tamir) sum, Arhangai aimak of Mongolia. |