Ethno Cultural Dictionary | |
[qutuy] құтұй |
“Fabrics, things?” «Altun kьmьš isigti qutuy buŋsuz anča berьr». |
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This word is found in following inscriptions |
Күлтегiн ғұрыптық кешені және бiтiктасы |
5 |
| tüzeltim: аltun: kümüš: isigti: qutuy: buŋsuz: anča berür: Tabγač: budun: sabї: süčig: aγїsї: jїmšaq: ermiš: süčig: sabїn: jїmšaq: aγїn: arїp: їraq: budunїγ: anča yaγutї er: ermiš: yaγuru: qontuqda: isire: aňїγ bilge: anta üjür: ermis: | | the Chinese people. The words of Chinese people, who give us gold, silver, alcohol and treasures in abundance, have always been sweet and silks have always been soft. Deceiving by their sweet words and soft silks, they attract people to come from remote places. After people have settled close to them, they made people be addicted to them even more. |
See also Old Turk and Kazak dictionary.
The basic idea of creating the electronic historical and cultural fund was based on issue of The Oriental Studies Section of The Institute of Oriental Studies named after Suleimenov in 2005 under the govermental program "Cultural Heritage":
"Қазақстан тарихы туралы түркі деректемелері" сериясының 2-томы
Н.Базылхан "Көне түрік бітіктастары мен ескерткіштері (Орхон, Енисей, Талас)"
Алматы: Дайк-Пресс. 2005, 252 б. +144 бет жапсырма.
Chief Editors: doctor of history sciences Prof. M.Abuseitova doctor of philology sciences Prof. B.Bukhatuly.
We appreciate The Director of The Institute of Oriental Studies Meruert Abuseitova for her help.