Jalpak-Tash I, Kalbak-Tash
The Jalbak-Tash mountain is on right coast of the river Chui near the confluence with river Katun. The rock with inscriptions is over the Chui highway 721 km from Novosibirsk and 215 km from settlement Tashanta, on 13 km from the village Jodro, on the border of Russia with Mongolia. The inscription Jalbak-Tash I is near the inscriptions marked Jalbak-Tash XIV, XVI on so called Jalbak-Tash I, Plane I, the bottom group.
Stored at the found place.
The vertical line with 80 in cm length consists of 40 symbols. The first symbols are as wide as furrow (up to 1 mm), from 10th symbols become thinner and more instinct on the rough surface. The line is 18 cm height from land and occupies the stone face with natural cracks. The writing begins with large symbols (height is from 7 to 4.2-4.5 cm) and ends up with smaller symbols in average height 2.5-3 cm (from 3 to 1 cm) beginning from the stone break.
Length of line 80 cm, height from 7 to 2,5-3 cm.
The inscriptions were noticed by Okladnikova in 1980. First publication is made by Nadeliyaev in handwritten records. Investigations made by Nadeliyaev 516 (p. 73-75), Kyzlasov 517 (p. 8-13).
Nadeliyaev’s translation:"(Сказ)ал: Земля -вечное бытиё! Облагодетельствуй дом (семью) лекаря-травника: пятикратно возьми жар бесовской болезни, подуй, изгони! Сотвори благодать! Земля-Чернь!" - "He said: 'The land is eternal existence! Do much good (to family) healer-herbalist: take five times devilish fever, blow off, drive away! Make a delight! The black land!'".
Kyzlasov’s translation: Земля вечно была... – The land eternal was …