“Olon Nuur memorial inscriptions”, “Olon Nuuryin hondyin dursgal”
Olon Nuur is located at 46°35΄03.0˝ of the north latitude, 100°04΄43.9˝ of the east longtitude, 2048 m, to the south of the Khangai mountain range, the soom of Galuut, in Bayanhongor district.
Two statues were taken to the Bayanhongor local historical museum. Other parts are still on the site.
The complex consists of 1 stone box (4 walls), statues, stone sculptures, 54 balbals which put up in a line of 784 m to the south east of balbal stones complex. Design of a plant is carved on the 3 sides of it. They were hidden on the ground at the time of discovery. The fourth side facing the north west is kept but nothing is engraved there. There is a hole on one side.
There are two vertical lines and one horizontal line of inscription on edge wall. The horizontal line is damaged.
And there is a line on a broken part of another wall. Unfortunately it is possible to read only 3 symbols of the text.
Turkic inscription is carved to the south east engraving side of the stone box.
1) Sizes of the wall with inscription: length is 221 cm, width is 108 cm, 16 cm thin. Height of symbols is 4-6.7 cm, width is between 2.3-5.1 cm.
2) Sizes of the broken part with inscription: length is 93 cm, width is 76 cm, 11 cm thin. Height of symbols is 14.1 cm -7.5 cm, width is between 4.5 cm -6.9 cm.