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  Uyk-Tarlaq (e-1)
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Uyk-Tarlaq (e-1)


Historical definition

The monument belongs to the epoch of old Kyrgiz state.


Uyk Tarlak, E-1


The deer stone was found at Yjyn-bulak mountain slope, at 2 kilometers distance from left riverside Tarlak, left inleak of Uyk.

A.V.Andrianov replaced the monument to the Minusinsk museum in 1916. MM inv. #20.


The deer-stone pertained to early nomads time of bronze epoch (VIII-III BC).

Made of grey-green smooth schist.


Height - 2,61 м, length - 0,24 м, width - 0,30 м.


The monument was found by I.R.Aspelin in 1888. W.Radloff, H.N.Orkun, S.E.Malov, I.A.Batmanov, A.Ch.Kunaa, I.L.Kormushin, A.S.Amanzholov, D.D.Vasiliyev, I.L.Kazlasov brought great contribution to study and read of the inscription 265.

Additional information

  Esiz. This word is occurred frequently in Yenisey inscriptions. The scientists below considered this word the following way: W.Radloff siz - «Von euch» 266, S.Malov siz - «from You» 267, I.A. Baranov- «from You»268. In this case it’s necessary to clarify the meaning of this word. There are two suggestions of this question: posthumous words where devoted to someone who died, or these inscriptions were death words of a dying man. In any case, the stone words were written from died man. Words devoted to the deceased person occurred rarely. In other words this word is edification of the deceased person. For this reason, the word «You» and «alas, grief» wouldn’t suit for translation.

T.Tekin was the first who suggest Esiz – «sorrow» the most appropriate reading of this word. There are next type of readings: Т.Tekin еsiz – «sorrow»269, I.V.Kormushin еsiz 270 – «sorrow», А.С.Аmanjolov еsiz 271 – «alas, so sorry, regret», I.L. Kizlasov еsiz 272 – «oh, grief», B.Orynbai еsiz 273 – «esil, asil».

Actually, the word «Siz // Esiz» doesn’t reflect bitterness or regret of mourning people. Vice versa, this word was used in ethno-cultural meaning from name of deceased man: “you, my wife and sons, my generation and country, you are abandoned or deserted by your owner, master, i.e. by me”.

The etymological base of this word is (owner=) idi // ije // е //+siz (=less) > еsiz. This word is used the same way as in Orhon inscriptions idi (owner), idisiz (ownerless) 274.

Full-text information
1.Васильев Д.Д. Памятники тюркской рунической письменности азиатского ареала. //Советская тюркология, 1976. – № 1. – С.71-81.
2.Tekin T. Eski Türk yazitlarinda yanliş yorumlanan bir kelime üzerine //Turkish Studies /Türkoloj i Dergisi 1 (2006) , Sayı : 2
3.Выпуск второй. (Табл. VI, XXVII, XXXVI, LIII, LXI, LXIII, LXXI-LXXXII. Съ двумя маршрутами Орхонской Экспедиціи) //Атласъ древностей Монголіи. Изданный по поручению Императорской Академіи Наукъ В.В.Радловымъ. //Труды Орхонской экспедиціи. – Санктпетербургъ, Типография Императорской Академіи Наукъ, 1892.
4.Малов С.Е. Памятники древнетюркской письменности. Тексты и исследования. – М., Ленинград, Издательствно Академии наук СССР, 1951
The basic idea of creating the electronic historical and cultural fund was based on issue of The Oriental Studies Section of The Institute of Oriental Studies named after Suleimenov in 2005 under the govermental program "Cultural Heritage": "Қазақстан тарихы туралы түркі деректемелері" сериясының 2-томы Н.Базылхан "Көне түрік бітіктастары мен ескерткіштері (Орхон, Енисей, Талас)" Алматы: Дайк-Пресс. 2005, 252 б. +144 бет жапсырма.
Chief Editors:
doctor of history sciences Prof. M.Abuseitova
doctor of philology sciences Prof. B.Bukhatuly.
We appreciate The Director of The Institute of Oriental Studies Meruert Abuseitova for her help.

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