Yenisei inscriptions |  |
There are 106 enisei inscriptions found in Khakasiya, Tuva, Altai, Krasnoyarsk, near Lena, Yenisei, Abakan, Kemchik, Kem, Oiya, Elegest and other places.
The written monuments concentrated along coast of the river Yenisei are named "Yenisei inscriptions". |
These monuments of past are found in Khakassia, Tuva, Mountain Altai, Krasnoyarsk, along the rivers Lena, Yenisei, Abakan, Kemchik, Kem, Oya, Elegest, etc. Total number is more that 158. |
Scientists have determined, that majority of the Yenisei inscriptions from the chronological point of view correspond VIII-X centuries. Old Turkic writings are put on deer-stones, or on specially polished sandy stones, slate stones, granites, etc., on rocks besides there are cases of writings on gold, silver, metal utensils, mirrors, coins, etc. things. |
Now these inscriptions basically are in museums and storehouses of Minusinsk, Kyzyl, Abakan, Krasnoyarsk and St.-Petersburg, Helsinki, Moscow. |
The monuments are very seldom remained on places of detection. The first messages on the Yenisei inscriptions had declared in XVII-XVIII centuries. Their publication, researches, archeological excavations have been undertaken starting from XIX century. Huge amount investigations are published on archeological, historical and linguistic researches, translations of texts, studying of grammar features, dictionaries. |
The Yenisei inscriptions do not strongly differ from Orhon, Talas, and other old-turk inscriptions by under sign-graphic or language characteristics. Ethno names Turk, Turgeš, Kyrgyz, Ač, Čik, Tolberi, etc. are met in these inscriptions. The Yenisei inscriptions belong to the Turkic world, old Turk states, namely times of "the Kirghiz state" on historical aspect. The largest Yenisei written monument contains about 400 signs. Meanings of texts are different, but basically epitaphic texts prevail. On epitaphic text, firstly the name of a person is mentioned, then his biography and his heroic campaigns is briefly brought, and in the end it is mourned that he couldn’t stay (died) with relatives. |
Monuments carry names of districts, the rivers and lakes near which they have been found out and also designated by letter Е and a number: Е-1, Е-50, Е-150.... For example: Uyk-Tarlaq (Е-1), Baryq I (Е-5), Baryq II (Е-6), Elegest (Е-10), Begre (Е-11), Uibat I (Е-30), etc. |
The Yenisei inscriptions are studied by D.C.Messerschmidt1, I.R.Aspelin2, A.O.Heikel3 , O.Donner4, D.A.Klements, M.A.Kastren, A.V.Adrianov, W.W.Radloff5 and others. Also Finland 6 and Russia7 scientists issued Atlas of the Yenisei monuments. |
Thorough studying of the Yenisei inscriptions have been undertaken by such scientists as H.Orkhun8, S.E.Malov9, L.A.Evtjuhova10, S.V.Kiselev11, L.R.Kyzlasov12, A.N.Bernshtam, E.R.Rygdylon, L.Bazen, A.M.Sherbak13, S.I.Vainstein, A.K.Borovkov, D.M.Nasilov14, I.A.Batmanov15, B.Chadamba (Арагачи)16, S.V.Subrakova17, G.F.Babushkin, A.C.Kunaa18, A.S.Amanzholov19, S.G.Kljashtornyj, D.D.Vasilev20, I.V.Kormushin21, I.L.Kyzlasov22 and others. |
Базылхан Н. Көне түрік бітіктастары мен ескеркіштерінің жинағы// "Қазақстан тарихы VIII-XX ғғ түрік тілді деректерде" атты сериясы бойынша. II том. - Алматы: Дайк-пресс, 2005. |
1 Messcrschmidt D. C. Forschungsreise durch Sibirien. 1720-1727. Bd VIII. T. 1-5. Berlin, 1962-1970.
2 Alt-Altaishe Kunstdenkmaler. Briefe und Bildmaterial von J. R. Aspelin's Reisen in Sibirien und der Mongolei 1887-1889 herausgegeben von Hjalmar Appelgren - Kivalo. Helsingfors, 1931.
3 Heikel A. O. Die Grabuntersuchungen und Funde bei Tascheba. Zeirschruft der Finnischen Altertumsgesellschaft. Helsinki, 1913. XXVI.
4 Donner O. Worterverzeichniss zu den Iscriptions de L' lenissei. MSFOu, 1892. 4.
5 Radloff W. Die Alttürkischen Inscriften der Mongolei. Dritte Lieferung. Die Denkmäler von Koscho-Zaidam, die übrigen denkmaler des Orchon bechens und denkmaler im flussgebiete des Jenissei. St. Petersburg, 1895.
6 Iscriptions de L'Ienissei. Recueillies et publiees par la Societe Finlandaise d'Archeologie. Helsingfors, 1889.
7 Radloff W. Atlas der Alterthümer der Mongolei // Arbeiten der Orchon Expedition. I-IV. St. Petersburg, 1892, 1893, 1896, 1899; Радлов B.B. Атлас древностей Монголии // Труды Орхонской экспедиции. Вып. 1-4. Спб., 1892-1899. Таб. 118.
8 Orhun H. N. Eski turk yazitlari. Istanbul, Сilt II-III. 1939-1940.
9 Малов С. Е. Енисейская письменность тюрков. М.-Л., 1952.
10 Евтюхова Л. А. Археологические памятники енисейских кыргызов. Абакан, 1948.
11 Киселев С. В. Древняя история Южной Сибири. М., 1951.
12 Кызласов Л. Р. Новая датировка памятников енисейской письменности // Советская археология. 1960. № 3 . С. 93-120.
13 Щербак А. М. Енисейские рунические надписи: к истории открытия и изучения / Тюркологический сборник. 1976. С. 111—134.
14 Насилов В. М. Язык орхоно-енисейских памятников. М., 1960.
15 Батманов И. А. Язык енисейских памятников древнетюркской письменности. Фрунзе, 1959.
16 Батманов И. А., Арагачи 3. Б., Бабушкин Г. Ф. Современная и древняя Енисейка. Фрунзе, 1962.
17 Субракова О. В., Батманов И. А. Хакасияның пурунгы пічіктері. сыхча 1. Абакан, 1970.
18 Батманов И. А. и Кунаа А. Ч. Памятники древнетюркской письменности Тувы. Вып. I, II, III. Кызыл, 1963-1965.
19 Аманжолов А. С. Тюркская руническая графика (методическая разработка). А.-А., 1980., Аманжолов А. С. История и теория древнетюркского письма. Алматы, 2003.
20 Васильев Д. Д. Корпус тюркских рунических памятников бассейна Енисея. Л., 1983.
21 Кормушин И. В. Тюркские енисейские эпитафии. Тексты и исследования. М., 1997.
22 Кызласов И. Л. Рунические письменности Евразийских степей. М., 1994.