Talas runic inscriptions |
Talas I inscription, The |
Talas II inscription, The |
Talas III inscription, The |
Talas IV inscription, The |
Talas V inscription, The |
Talas VI/1 and VI/2 inscriptions, The |
Achik-tash (Talas VII) runic text, The |
Talas VIII inscription, The |
Talas IX inscription, The |
Talas X inscription, The |
Talas XI inscription, The |
Talas XII inscription, The |
Talas XIII inscription, The |
Turkic Inscriptions on "Qury-Baqajyr" Cliffs |
Turkic inscriptions on |
Talas runic inscriptions |  |
Talas inscriptions
Inscriptions found near Talas river between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. There are 15 incriptions in our database.
The old Turkic inscriptions found along the river Talas on border between Kazakhstan and Kirghizia, are named Talas inscriptions. Inscriptions found in this region are nearby 30. There are inscriptions found along the rivers Talas, Syrdaria, Ile, Irtysh in Kazakhstan. These monuments are kept in museums of Bishkek, Taraz, Almaty, St.-Petersburg. |
The chief of district, regional specialist V.A.Kallaur together with teacher Gastev had found 3 rounded stone boulders with inscriptions in gorges Airtam-Oi, Kalba on 8 km from Talas town (Aulieata district) in 1896-1898. |
A.Heikel had headed expedition of Finno-Ugric society which found out two more stones with inscriptions in 1898. |
The tetrahedral stick with old Turkic writings found on district Achiktash along the river Talas in 1932. |
Talas inscriptions are designated by numbers: the first, the second, the third, etc. inscriptions. These written monuments concern to times of Turks, the states Turgesh and Karluq in historical aspect. |
Text researches of Talas inscriptions conducted by W.Radloff, A.Heikel, J.Nemet, S.E.Malov, H.Orkhun, A.M.Sherbak, I.A.Batmanov, C.Zhumagulov, A.S.Amanzholov, etc. scientists. |
Inscriptions under numbers 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and fine inscriptions on rocks (P.N.Kozhemjako, D.F.Vinnik, C.Zhumagulov, U.Asanaliev, K.Ashiraliev, G.Karagulova) found in 1961, 1963 and 1977. Eight more inscriptions (K.Tabaldiev, O.Soltobaev) found in 1998-2000. |
Базылхан Н. Көне түрік бітіктастары мен ескеркіштерінің жинағы// "Қазақстан тарихы VIII-XX ғғ түрік тілді деректерде" атты сериясы бойынша. II том. - Алматы: Дайк-пресс, 2005. |
The basic idea of creating the electronic historical and cultural fund was based on issue of The Oriental Studies Section of The Institute of Oriental Studies named after Suleimenov in 2005 under the govermental program "Cultural Heritage":
"Қазақстан тарихы туралы түркі деректемелері" сериясының 2-томы
Н.Базылхан "Көне түрік бітіктастары мен ескерткіштері (Орхон, Енисей, Талас)"
Алматы: Дайк-Пресс. 2005, 252 б. +144 бет жапсырма.
Chief Editors: doctor of history sciences Prof. M.Abuseitova doctor of philology sciences Prof. B.Bukhatuly.
We appreciate The Director of The Institute of Oriental Studies Meruert Abuseitova for her help.