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[Kültegin] Күлтегiн
The meaning of the word “kul” researchers explain as “well-known, glorified”, “ashes”, “the sea or lake” and so forth. This word in Old Turkic texts is in names “Kultegin, Kultudun, Kulichur, Kulug” and it has one meaning. “Kül+ik//köl +ik means the skilful equestrian, the master, the dexterous equestrian on a horse”. Kultegins horses, his racers are especially described in the inscriptions. It was accepted to connect to the word “Kul” + ethnocultural names as “tegin”, “tudun”, “chur”. So, Kultegin is “the skilful equestrian and a noble man”. A horse is the most honest companion, the friend to the soldier in campaigns. Therefore honouring horses and racers had entered into tradition of nomads.
Kultegin, the wandering commander of Turkic El was born in 685 alongside river Orkhon coast, in Otuken.
the Head of marble sculpture of Kultegin. 732 Mongolia, Orkhon river. “Khocho tsaidam”. (D.Bayar's drawing).
Second son of Qutlyq (Elteris) kagan, younger brother of Bilge kagan. Mother is Elbilge qatun. Kultegin was the most outstanding leader, the heroic person in history of nomads.
Chinese sources “Kjue-dele//Kjue-tsele”. He was great as kagans as “Modun, Chingiz and Batu”. Even if he was not a kagan, he became the most powerful commander of the Turkic El, he could unite all nomadic ethnos under the blue banner, kept continuity and traditions of nomadic empire, the ingenious hero, the outstanding person. There was anyone who could resist to his sword.
Reconstruction of Kultegin’s sculpture (N.Bazylhan, 1998.) Reconstruction of Kultegin’s stele(N.Bazylhan, 1998ж.)
When Kultegin was 7 years old, his father Qutlyq (board time 680-692) had died.The throne was inherited by kagan’s brother Kapagan (692-716). Kultegin and his brother Bilge displaced from the throne Bogu, the younger brother of Kapagan, and Bilge kagan took the board (716-734).
Kultegin was a fearless military leader from 16 years, managed to conquer Oguzes, Kidans, Tatabis, Tabgaches (China), Kyrghyzes, Turgeshes, Sogdians, etc.
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Күлтегiн ғұрыптық кешені және бiтiктасы

tijin: Türük: budun: üčün: tün udïmadïm: küntüz: olurmadïm: іnim: Kültegin birle: eki šad: birle: ölü jitü: qazγandïm: anča qazγanïp: bіrіki: budunïγ: ot sub qïlmadïm: /men... jersayu /

For the sake of Turkish people, I did not sleep at night and I did not relax by day. Together with my younger brother, Kultegin, the two šads, we worked to death and I won. Having won and gathered in that way, I did not let people split into two parts like fire and water. (When) I (succeeded to the throne) in all countries people, who had gone (in almost all directions)
Бiлге қаған ғұрыптық кешені және бітіктасы

ögüm qatunïγ: kötürіgme: Teŋіri: Еl bеrigme: Teŋіri: Türük: budun: atï küsü: yoq bolmazun: tijin: özümüz: ol Teŋіri: qaγan: olurtadï erinč: neŋ yïlïsïγ: budunta: üze: olurmadïm: ičre ačsïz: tïšra: tonsuz: yabïz yablaq: budunta: (üze: olurtum: inim Kül) tegin eki šad: birle: sözlešdimiz: аqaŋïmïz:

my mother, the katun, and which had granted them a state, For the name and fame of the Turkish people would not perish, (that Tengri) enthroned (me). I did not become ruler of wealthy and prosperous people at all; (on the contrary,) I became a ruler of poor and miserable people, who were food-less inside and cloth-less outside. I and Kultegin, my younger brother, consulted together. For the name and fame of people, which our father
See also Old Turk and Kazak dictionary.
The basic idea of creating the electronic historical and cultural fund was based on issue of The Oriental Studies Section of The Institute of Oriental Studies named after Suleimenov in 2005 under the govermental program "Cultural Heritage": "Қазақстан тарихы туралы түркі деректемелері" сериясының 2-томы Н.Базылхан "Көне түрік бітіктастары мен ескерткіштері (Орхон, Енисей, Талас)" Алматы: Дайк-Пресс. 2005, 252 б. +144 бет жапсырма.
Chief Editors:
doctor of history sciences Prof. M.Abuseitova
doctor of philology sciences Prof. B.Bukhatuly.
We appreciate The Director of The Institute of Oriental Studies Meruert Abuseitova for her help.

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