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  Memorial complex «Shiveet Ulan»
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Memorial complex «Shiveet Ulan»

V-VI centuries

Historical definition

The memorial complex is devoted to kagan who have joined Turkic ethno-political unions.


“Shiveet Ulaan”57


Found on small rocky hill named “Shiveet ulaan ” in Bayan-Agt sum58 of Bulgan aimag of Mongolia, on border with Hairhan sum of Arkhangai aimag. Near the inflows of the rivers Hanui and Hunui, N48º 47´54´´, E102º 00´45´´.

The stone barriers, barrow and stone sculptures are on the site. Statues of sheep and lions are kept in cultural center of Hairhan sum. The stele is transferred to a monastery of the (Buddhist) lama «Zhantsan toin» in Hairhan sum.


The stone barriers (90х40 m) and ten small round stone clusters are located around. The stele and a quadrangular pedestal with a hole for it are located on east side of the cluster. The stone sculptures of 8 persons and 4 lion statues, 5 sheep statues are located between stone clusters and the pedestal.

The stele is made from volcanic breed of bluish color. There are some signs on in its surface. They are indistinct; therefore they are not investigated completely.


Height of the stele is 1.54 m, width is 0.41 m, and thickness is 0.12-0.15 m.


There were conducted general researches by the Finnish scientist G.J.Ramstedt 59 in 1912, B.Bambaev in 192760, T.Dorzhsuren in 195661, D.Tseveendorzh in 197662 . V.V.Volkov and S.N.Korenevsky made a plan of the memorial complex 63 in 1976. S.G.Kljashtornyi, S.Karzhaubay 64 in 1977, S.Karzhaubay in 1979 65, V.E.Voitov 66 in 1996, D.Bayar 67 in 1997, V.D.Kubarev 68 were conducted researches on the plan of the memorial complex and on stone sculptures. The Mongol-Japanese joint expedition 69 conducted researches in 1998. In the scientific directory «Historical and cultural monuments of Mongolia» have been given two pictures of stone sculptures and brief information 70 in 1999. In an album «The Plan of Turkic monuments in Mongolia» have been published pictures of stone sculptures 71 in 2001. K.Sartkozhauly has given extensive information on the memorial complex 72 in 2002. The memorial complex and inscription specially was researched with archeographic expedition (N.Bazylhan) 73 in 2004.

Full-text information
1.Ramstedt, G. J. & J. G. Grano & P. Aalto. Materialien zu den Altturkischen Inschriften der Mongolei //Gesammelt von G. J. Ramstedt, J. G. Grano und Pentti Aalto. JSFOu 60-7,91 p., incl. many plates
2.Liu Mau-Tsai. Die Chinesischen Nachrichten zur Geschichte der Ost-Turken (T’u-Kue) //Göttinger Asiatische Forschungen, 1958. S. 16, 26, 40, 74, 150, 152, 211, 235
3.Кляшторный С.Г. Эпиграфические работы в Монголии //Археологические Открытия 1976 г, Москва, С. 588-589
4.Кляшторный С.Г. Эпиграфические работы в Монголии //Археологические открытия 1978 г
5.Granö J.G. Archaologische Beobachtungen von meiner Reise in Sudsibirien und der Nordwestmongolei im Jahre 1909 //Journal dela Societe Finno-Ougrienne. XXVIII. Helsinki 1912
6.Granö J.G. Nordwestmongolei //Formen der Altertumer. Helsingfors 1910
The basic idea of creating the electronic historical and cultural fund was based on issue of The Oriental Studies Section of The Institute of Oriental Studies named after Suleimenov in 2005 under the govermental program "Cultural Heritage": "Қазақстан тарихы туралы түркі деректемелері" сериясының 2-томы Н.Базылхан "Көне түрік бітіктастары мен ескерткіштері (Орхон, Енисей, Талас)" Алматы: Дайк-Пресс. 2005, 252 б. +144 бет жапсырма.
Chief Editors:
doctor of history sciences Prof. M.Abuseitova
doctor of philology sciences Prof. B.Bukhatuly.
We appreciate The Director of The Institute of Oriental Studies Meruert Abuseitova for her help.

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