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  Inscription Ordu-balyq I (Karabalghasun I)
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Inscription Ordu-balyq I (Karabalghasun I)

Approximately in 808-832 AD

Historical definition

The stele was made in honor of Bilge Tengri Uighur kagan.


“ The Khara Balgasun monument”, “The 1st monument of Ordu balyq”


The stele was found in south of Ordu-balyq city (local people call it Kharbalgas i.e. “The Black town” in Hotont sum of Arkhangai aimag at N47º23´ - E102º28´.

There was a capital of ancient Turkic and Uighur kagandoms at the place. The stele is broken in many fragments. Many of them are on the site.

The fragment with dragon image is kept in cultural center of Hoton sum. Two fragments with Sogdian and Chinese inscriptions are kept in St.-Petersburg. The location of other fragments except written above is unknown.


There are four fragments with old Turkic inscriptions. One of the fragments is top part of the stele. It is rounded and has image of a dragon. There are also three fragments with Sogdian and Chinese inscriptions and 2 stones like pedestal.

The stele with is made of light grey marble. There were read thirty words out of nine fragments with different sizes.


N.M.Yadrintsev conducted researches in 1889120. W.Radloff made the first translation of old Turkic inscriptions and published pictures and paper copy226. V.P.Vasilev made translation of Chinese inscription in 1897. The Mongolian-Japanese joint expedition conducted research of the stele in 1996-1997230. Kazakh scientists conducted researches in 2001 and 2004.

Full-text information
1.Баттулга Ц. Монголын руни бичгийн бага дурсгалууд. Улаанбаатар. - 2005 (1)
2.Баттулга Ц. Монголын руни бичгийн бага дурсгалууд. Улаанбаатар. - 2005 (2)
3.Баттулга Ц. Монголын руни бичгийн бага дурсгалууд. Улаанбаатар. - 2005 (3)
The basic idea of creating the electronic historical and cultural fund was based on issue of The Oriental Studies Section of The Institute of Oriental Studies named after Suleimenov in 2005 under the govermental program "Cultural Heritage": "Қазақстан тарихы туралы түркі деректемелері" сериясының 2-томы Н.Базылхан "Көне түрік бітіктастары мен ескерткіштері (Орхон, Енисей, Талас)" Алматы: Дайк-Пресс. 2005, 252 б. +144 бет жапсырма.
Chief Editors:
doctor of history sciences Prof. M.Abuseitova
doctor of philology sciences Prof. B.Bukhatuly.
We appreciate The Director of The Institute of Oriental Studies Meruert Abuseitova for her help.

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