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[Bilge qaγan] Білге қаған
Bilge kagan (683-734). Türük Bilge qaγan > The Turkic Wise kagan. The Kagan’s title: Teŋіriteg Тeŋiride bolmuš/yaratmïš/ Türük Bilge qaγan> Heavenly created by the Sky Turkic wise kagan. Own name: Beklen? (Chinese sources: Byke kehan, Mogilian).
The Turkic kagan ruled the El in 717-734. He was born in Otuken along the river of Orkhon in 683. He was elder son of Qutlug (Elteris) kagan, elder brother of Kultegin. Mother is Elbilge qatun. From “Achinu” family. He had based the great nomadic empire - the Turkic El, together with his legendary younger brother Kultegin. They “at the nights did not sleep, in the days did not sit”, being at war for the sake of well-being and unity of the Turkic people.
When he was 9 years old, his father Qutlyk (680-692 гг) had died. Then the throne was occupied by Kapagan/Kabagan/(692-716) kagan, the younger brother of Qutluq.
A sculpture of Bilge kagan A sculpture of Bilge kagan (D.Bayar)
A sculpture of Bilge kagan’s wife Sebek. The Mongolian National historical museum A sculpture of Bilge kagan’s wife Sebek. (D.Bayar)
Bilge became a kagan after Bogu (716), younger brother of Kapagan and ruled for 19 years. When he was 13 years old, he had received a title “shad”. When he was 17 years old he had won campaigns on Tanguts, 18 years old on Alty(Six) Shubs, Tabgaches (China), Tutuqs. Then followed gains over Kyrghyzes, Turgeshes, Qarluqs, Toquz(Nine) Oguzes, etc.
The Gold crown found in the Bilge kagan’s memorial complex. 2001 (D.Bayar)

A copy of theBilge kagan’s stele.
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Бiлге қаған ғұрыптық кешені және бітіктасы

Teŋіriteg: Тeŋiride: bolmuš: Türük: Bilge qaγan: bödüke: olurtum: sabїmїn: tüküti: esid: ulayu: inijügünüm: oγlanїm: biriki: oγušum:/ budunum: birije: šad apїt begler: jїrїya: tarqat: bujruq: begler: Otuz ... Toquz Oγuz: begleri budunї: bu sabїmїn: edgüti: esid: qatїγdї: tїŋla: ilgerü: kün:/

I, Tengri-like and Tengri- born Turkic kagan mounted the throne. Hear my words you all, my younger brothers and my sons, my people and relatives, my nation, shad- apyt beks in the south, tarkan and buyruq beks in the north, Thirty (Tatars?), Beks and the people of Nine Oguzes! Hear my words and listen! All people after me in the east to sunrise,
Күлтегiн ғұрыптық кешені және бiтiктасы

qurïdun: /?/uγud еrtі: inim Kültegin: ölti...isig küčüg: bertik üčün: Türük: Bilge qaγan: yoqïqa: inim Kültegin: közdü: olurt... Ininču: apa: yarγan: tarqan: atïγ: bertim /...?/

From west ... my younger brother Kultegin had died… gave his services, my younger brother Kultegin (ordered to sat) a watcher of the tomb of Turkish Bilga kagan… I gave him the title Inanču Apa Yarγan Tarqan ...
Тұнық-ұқ ғұрыптық кешені және бiтiктасы

jeme: ben: ök ertüm: ayγïčïsï: jeme: ben ertim: Elteris qaγanqa: ...: Türük Begi qaγanqa: Türük Bilge qa...

Only I was powerful. I was Elterish kagan’s advisor. Turkic Byegu kagan, Turkic Bilga kagan…
See also Old Turk and Kazak dictionary.
The basic idea of creating the electronic historical and cultural fund was based on issue of The Oriental Studies Section of The Institute of Oriental Studies named after Suleimenov in 2005 under the govermental program "Cultural Heritage": "Қазақстан тарихы туралы түркі деректемелері" сериясының 2-томы Н.Базылхан "Көне түрік бітіктастары мен ескерткіштері (Орхон, Енисей, Талас)" Алматы: Дайк-Пресс. 2005, 252 б. +144 бет жапсырма.
Chief Editors:
doctor of history sciences Prof. M.Abuseitova
doctor of philology sciences Prof. B.Bukhatuly.
We appreciate The Director of The Institute of Oriental Studies Meruert Abuseitova for her help.

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