Eb (a house, felt tent). The sign eb appeared as ideogramma of a tent or a hovel. Whether the Turkic felt houses differed from yurtas of Kazakhs, Kyrgyzs or Mongols, and how much they differ? Chinese sources: «They live in tents and felt yurtas, passes from a place to place, depending on prosperity of grass and water, ... 3. Mogilian ordered to bring wines, and sitting in a tent with wife, Kjule-dele and Tunjugu …» (translation of N.Bichurin) specify that those were felt yurtas. («... The nomadic way of life promoted creation of portable dwelling in conditions of Euroasian steppes - development from simple forms (tent) to its perfect design (yurta).... It is possible to judge the form of dwelling of West Turkic khanate population (VII AD) by funeral constructions which reflected life, economy and religion of medieval population of Kazakhstan. … the facts prove that, the yurta had arisen among Turks.... The yurta consisting of trellised prefabricated lattice, the basic construction of a portable dwelling, dome poles and the top circle, had arisen in the middle of 1 AD in the Turkic environment. This old Turkic type of dwelling was improved further and had got ethnic features in Turkic-Mongolian people now... But the most ancient name of yurta occurs among inhabitants of East Kazakhstan, that it was revealed on our ethnographic expedition. The yurta is called by its basic part of design – “kerege”, the prefabricated lattice (walls of the yurta) // Алимбай Н., Муканов М.С., Аргынбаев Х. Традиционная культура жизнеобеспечения казахов. Очерки теории и истории. Алматы., 1998. С.113,119, 121, 122.), (Радлов В.В. Из Сибири. Страницы дневника. М., 1989. ; Харузин Н.Н. История развития жилища кочевых и полукочевых тюркских и монгольских народностей России // Этнографическое обозрение М., 1896. с 1-3; Попов А.А. Историко-этнографический атлас Сибири М.,Л. 1961.; Муканов М.С. Казахская юрта Алма-Ата, 1981.; Вайнштейн С.И. Проблемы история жилища степных кочевников Евразии //Советская этнография. 1976. с 4. ; Вайнштейн С.И. Мир кочевников центра Азии М., Наука 1991. ; Майдар С. Монгол гэрийн үүсэл гарал Улаанбаатар, 1976.; Алимбай Н. , Муканов М.С., Аргынбаев Х. Традиционная культура жизнеобеспечения казахов. Очерки теории и истории. Алматы., 1998). Mongolian word “ger”. (Б.Базылхан Қазақ және моңғол тілдерінің салыстырмалы тарихи-грамматикасы. Морфология, Алматы, 2000. 34-35, 54, 77, 83 б) |