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Inscription Types
Yenisei inscriptions
Uyk-Tarlaq (e-1)
Uyk-Arjan (е-2)
Uyk-Turan (е-3)
Ottuq Dash I (е-4) inscriptions, The
Baryk I (е-5)
Baryk II (е-6)
Baryk III (е-7)
Baryk IV (e-8) inscriptions, The
Qara-sug (e-9) inscriptions, The
Yelegest I (е-10)
Begre (е-11)
Aldyi-Bel I (e-12) inscriptions, The
Chaa-khol I (е-13)
Chaa-Hol II (e-14) inscriptions, The
Chaa-Hol III (e-15) inscriptions, The
Chaa-Hol IV (e-16) inscriptions, The
Chaa-Hol V (e-17) inscriptions, The
Chaa-Hol VI (e-18)
Chaa-Hol VII (e-19)
Chaa-Hol VIII (е-20)
Chaa-Hol IX (e-21)
Chaa-Hol X (e-22)
Chaa-Hol XI (e-23)
Inscriptions on Khaya-Uju rocks (e-24)
Oznachennoe (е-25)
Ochury Аchury (e-26)
Oya (е-27)
Altyn-kol (е-28)
Altyn-Kol (е-29)
Uybat I (е-30)
Uybat II (е-31)
Uybat III (е-32)
Uybat-IV (Е-33)
Uybat-V (e-34)
Tuba I (e-35) inscriptions, The
Tuba II (e-36) inscriptions, The
Tes (е-37)
Ak-Yus (e-38) inscriptions, The
Kara-Yus (e-39) inscriptions, The
Tasheba (е-40) inscriptions, The
Kemchik-Chigrak (е-41)
Buy-bulun I (е-42)
Kyzyl-Chiraa I (е-43)
Kyzyl-Chiraa II (е-44)
Kezheelig-Hovu (е-45)
Tele (е-46)
Abakan (е-48)
Buy-bulun II (е-49)
Tuva stele «Б» inscriptions (e-50), The
Tyva III (е-51)
Elegest II (e-52) inscriptions, The
Elegest III (е-53)
Ottuq Dash III (е-54) inscriptions, The
Tuvian stele "G" (e-55)
Malinovka (e-56) inscriptions, The
Suygyn (е-57)
Kezek-Hure (e-58) deer stobe and inscriptions, The
Kerbis-bary (е-59)
«Sargal Aqsy» (e-60) inscriptions, The
Sulug-adir-aqsy (е-61)
Qanymildyq-qoby (е-62)
Ortaa-Hem (e-63) inscriptions, The
Ottuq Dash II (e-64)
Qara-bulun I (е-65)
Qara-bulun II (е-66)
Qara-bulun III (e-67)
El-Bazhy (е-68)
Cher-Charyk (е-69) inscriptions, The
Elegest IV Eer Hol (e-70) inscriptions, The
«Podkuninskoe» (e-71)
«Aldyy-Bel II» (e-72)
Yime (e-73)
Samagaltai (e-74)
Kuten-Buluk (e-75)
Mirror I (e-76)
Inscription on Chinese mirror (е-77)
Inscription on Chinese copper coin (е-78)
Inscription on Chinese copper coin (е-79)
Bronze Plaque (e-80)
«Golden Vessel I» (e-81), The
«Golden Vessel II» (e-82), The
Uybat VII (e-83)
Mirror III (e-84)
Mirror IV (e-85)
Amulet Signs (e-86), The
Text on a Spindle (e-87), The
Text on an Amulet (e-88), The
Ovur-I (e-89)
Ovur-I (e-90)
«Bedelig» (e-91) inscriptions, The
«Demir-Sug» (e-92) inscriptions, The
«Yur-Sayur I» inscriptions (e-93), The
Uybat VI (е-98)
Ortaa-Tey (е-99)
Bayan-Qol (е-100)
Arjan II inscriptions (е-102), The
Arjan II inscriptions (е-103), The
Oznachennoe II (е-104)
A Stele from Kyzyl Museum (е-105)
Uyk Oorzaq I (е-108) deer stone and inscriptions, The
Uyk Oorzaq II (е-109) inscriptions, The
Uyk Oorzaq III (е-110) deer stone and inscriptions, The
Yerbek I (e-147)
Yerbek II (e-149)
Shanchy 3 (е-152)
Inscription on silver utensil
Museum Exibitions
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The basic idea of creating the electronic historical and cultural fund was based on issue of The Oriental Studies Section of The Institute of Oriental Studies named after Suleimenov in 2005 under the govermental program "Cultural Heritage": "Қазақстан тарихы туралы түркі деректемелері" сериясының 2-томы Н.Базылхан "Көне түрік бітіктастары мен ескерткіштері (Орхон, Енисей, Талас)" Алматы: Дайк-Пресс. 2005, 252 б. +144 бет жапсырма.
Chief Editors:
doctor of history sciences Prof. M.Abuseitova
doctor of philology sciences Prof. B.Bukhatuly.
We appreciate The Director of The Institute of Oriental Studies Meruert Abuseitova for her help.

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